


PG电子APP的学习价值观, Caring, Integrity, Excellence and Commitment are exemplified in the annual Maltese Mission Week of Service. Students, faculty, staff, and partners have the opportunity to engage in meaningful outreach and commit to addressing the needs of others. 宣教周以星期六的爱心日开始, March 2, and continues daily with service opportunities throughout the Omaha community. 

要了解每天的机会,请点击下面的选项卡.  您将找到活动信息和在线注册链接. 服务活动对学生开放, faculty, staff, and partners, 参与者可以注册多个活动. All events are approved for IPE Service or Community credit for students who have completed their first four modules.  Those not able to participate in Omaha-based activities are encouraged to find meaningful volunteer work within their own community.  

Participants are encouraged to share posts and photos of Mission Week activities on social media. 记得给PG电子APP的账号加上标签 # ClarksonCollegeCares.

如有疑问,请向Rachel Holm (HolmRachel@ClarksonCollege.edu). 请不要联系这些组织.

2024年3月2日- 3月17日

Vetter Senior Living

Donation Drive

时间:3月2日- 3月17日
合作伙伴:Vetter Senior Living

捐赠活动延续了过去的宣教周. Don't miss out!

马耳他传教服务周 also includes a donation drive for Vetter Senior Living, a regional entity that is passionate about providing quality life and quality care for seniors. Programs at multiple facilities will use the donated items in therapies known to be beneficial for residents, 为他们提供有尊严的干预,减轻他们的焦虑, depression, and isolation, reduces falls, increases appetite, 并减少 字符外响应.

诸如水彩颜料和纸张之类的物品, large posters, acrylic paints, nail polish, puzzle books, 而且耳机可以很容易地从 这张亚马逊愿望清单 直接送到PG电子APP分发.

Saturday, March 2


Day of Caring

时间:下午1:00 - 3:00(两个地点)及3:30 - 5:30

Volunteers are needed to help with spring cleaning of a variety of facilities.

Register Now.

Monday, March 4





Register Now.

Tuesday, March 5

Shirts on hangers

Nearly New Shop

When: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Partner: St. 安德鲁的圣公会教堂

这家新商店是一家非营利组织, 转售和寄售商店使许多当地慈善机构受益, 分发给几个外展计划, and meets various community needs as an outreach of the Episcopal church. Volunteers will help organize donation items and assist with spring cleaning activities such as painting.

Register Now.


Food Pantry


时间:下午12:00 - 3:00及3:00 - 5:00

The Juan Diego Center serves the south Omaha community with emergency and supportive food services, 家庭加强, 移民法律服务. The center also is home to the Latina Resource Center and Microbusiness and Asset Development training. Early volunteers will help prep food boxes and later volunteers will assist during the drive-up pantry. There is a high need for bilingual Spanish and English speakers to assist during the drive-up pantry.

Register Now.

Thursday, March 7




The Juan Diego Center serves the south Omaha community with emergency and supportive food services, 家庭加强, 移民法律服务. The center also is home to the Latina Resource Center and Microbusiness and Asset Development training. Early volunteers will help prep food boxes and later volunteers will assist during the drive-up pantry. There is a high need for bilingual Spanish and English speakers to assist during the drive-up pantry.

Register Now.

Friday, March 8



Partner: St. 图尔圣公会教堂的马丁

Volunteers are needed to help with spring cleaning and organizing of a variety of spaces.

Register Now.


反映整体观点, the Clarkson College Mission places a focus on how individuals provide high- quality, 在他们的社区提供道德和富有同情心的医疗保健服务. Mission experiences conducted by Clarkson College are viewed as direct reflections of these principles.

Our Story

Clarkson College has prepared students to professionally provide high quality, 道德和富有同情心的医疗服务超过135年. 我们致力于卓越的教育始于1888年, when the Bishop Clarkson Memorial Hospital accepted its first nursing student. Meliora Clarkson fulfilled the vision of her husband, the late Bishop Robert H. Clarkson, and guided the hospital to greatness by establishing a training school for nurses, 内布拉斯加州的第一个. 到19世纪末 世纪, 这所学校以熟练毕业而闻名, 在职业生涯中脱颖而出的专业护士.

Now, 一个多世纪后, Clarkson College has earned a reputation for graduating skilled healthcare professionals prepared in nursing, radiography, medical imaging, 物理治疗师助理, community health, 医疗业务, psychology, 医疗保健教育和领导力. Service continues to play a significant role as generations of Clarkson College students have answered the call to a life spent helping others.

马耳他十字架:它的意义 & History

马耳他十字是保护的象征和荣誉的徽章. 它的故事起源于耶路撒冷圣约翰骑士团, a charitable organization that existed during the eleventh and twelfth centuries. They were known as the Knights of Hospitallers because of their charity toward the sick and poor in setting up hospices and hospitals.

The eight points of the Cross represent the Beatitudes prescribed in the Sermon on the Mount: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, the meek, the pure, the merciful, the peacemakers, they that mourn, 寻求公义的人, 并为义受逼迫的人.”

These knights of centuries past were united by a pledge of compassion and courage. It is for these reasons the Maltese Cross was selected as the symbol for Clarkson College. It is a visual reminder to Clarkson College community members (students, alumni, faculty, and staff) of the significance of service as they dedicate their lives toward helping others.

Maltese Cross